Let’s have a look at Md Sahil Akhtar Age, Marks, Education, Family, Wiki, and Biography.

Mohammad Sahil Akhtar is one of the top 100 rankers at the national level in JEE 2023 exams, who gave up on IIT and chose Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) instead.

Mohammad Sahil Akhtar Biography

Md Sahil Akhtar
Full nameMohammad Sahil Akhtar
EducationDelhi Public School (DPS), Kolkata
Sahil’s Elder BrotherStudying Engineering Physics at IIT Delhi
JEE-Advanced 2023 99th rank
Achievements Gold medallist at the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) in 2022
Md Sahil Akhtar Biography

Md Sahil Akhtar Age

Mohammad Sahil Akhtar’s age is 17 years.

Md Sahil Akhtar Education

Mohammad Sahil Akhtar was born and raised in Kolkata, India. From a young age, he showed a keen interest in academics and excelled in mathematics. He attended Delhi Public School (DPS) in Kolkata’s Ruby Park, where his passion for learning and research began to take shape. Sahil appeared for the JEE in April and bragged 99th rank in IIT JEE advanced exam.

Md Sahil Akhtar IIT

Like many Indian students, Sahil nurtured the dream of studying at the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT). But that was a conventional career path, as instructed by his parents.

Since his tenth grade, he dedicated himself to preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), the gateway to the IITs, by attending coaching classes and studying for over 10 hours a day. He wrote the IIT JEE exam in April 2023.

Md Sahil Akhtar JEE Advanced Marks, Rank

Sahil’s hard work and determination paid off when he achieved an outstanding 99th rank in the All-India merit list for the JEE-Advanced 2023. This remarkable achievement made him a coveted candidate for admission to top IITs, particularly in the field of Computer Science Engineering.

Md Sahil Akhtar MIT

Despite securing a top rank and being the only one among the top 100 JEE-Advanced rankers to do so, Sahil decided to take an unconventional path. Instead of pursuing the traditional route of joining an IIT for CSE, he chose to head to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States. His decision was driven by his passion for research and the flexibility offered by foreign universities.

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MIT Acceptance and Scholarship

Sahil applied to prestigious universities like Oxford University, Harvard University, Princeton University, Stanford University, and MIT. Eventually, he received his acceptance letter from MIT in March. His admission was not solely dependent on entrance test scores, but rather on the assessment of his overall academic record, achievements, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendation letters. Fortunately, Sahil also secured a scholarship that brought the cost of studying at MIT to a level comparable to an IIT.

Support from Family and Elder Brother

Throughout his journey, Sahil received tremendous support and guidance from his family, especially his elder brother, who was a final-year student of Engineering Physics at IIT Delhi. His brother’s insights and advice helped Sahil stay focused on his goals and navigate the complexities of the preparation process.

Md Sahil Akhtar YouTube Channel

Inspired by his experiences and wanting to help others like him, Mohammad Sahil Akhtar started a YouTube channel.

Through his videos, he aims to provide guidance and practical advice to aspiring students about JEE preparation, exploring alternative study options, and the application process for foreign universities.

Academic and Personal Interests

At MIT, Sahil plans to pursue a double major in Computer Science and Physics. He is also intrigued by astronomy, astrophysics, data science, linguistics, and philosophy, indicating his diverse range of academic interests.

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